
WSES 2025 – Congress Water Smart Economy & Society

We are excited to announce the Congress Water Smart Economy & Society, where leading experts, innovators, and stakeholders will gather to discuss the future of water management. From urban environments to desalination and industrial applications, explore cutting-edge innovations that will shape the circular water economy. With contributions from over 30 case studies across Europe and beyond, this event will showcase real-world […]


Woudschoten Woudenbergseweg 54, Zeist, Netherlands

Hoe passen we onze (verkeers)modellen aan in reactie op de uitdagingen van klimaatverandering en andere maatschappelijke transities? Dat vraagstuk staat centraal op het 24e PLATOS Modellencolloquium met als thema ‘Adaptieve modellen’. Transities zijn cruciale processen die ons helpen om veerkrachtiger en duurzamer te worden in een snel veranderende wereld. Deze veranderingen kunnen zich voordoen in […]


PPTS Course 2025

Jakarta hotel Amsterdam Javakade 766, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Course Overview The PPTS (Planning Public Transport Services) Course is designed for (young) professionals, academics, and policymakers eager to deepen their knowledge and refine their skills in addressing state of the art in public transport planning and design. This intensive course blends cutting-edge theory with practical applications. Participants will engage with leading international experts in […]


The  European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) is the annual premier European forum for the presentation of new research results in the broadly conceived area of Information Retrieval. ECIR provides an opportunity for both young and established researchers to present research papers reporting new, unpublished, and innovative research results. ECIR has traditionally had a strong student […]