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Provinciehuis Utrecht Archimedeslaan 6, Utrecht, Netherlands

Grenzen aan voorspelbaarheid 15 MEI 2023 - 12:30 - 17:30 UUR   Hoe voorspelbaar is het wegverkeer in de komende minuten, dagen, jaren? We weten dat voorspellen moeilijker wordt over langere tijdsperiodes en naarmate netwerken groter en complexer worden. Maar is daadwerkelijk vast te stellen hoe groot de onzekerheid is? Zijn er ook (harde) grenzen aan de voorspelbaarheid van verkeer—ongeacht hoe geavanceerd onze (simulatie, AI) modellen zijn? Kunnen we die grens wellicht verschuiven door meer en betere data te verzamelen? En op welke manieren kunnen we al deze kennis inzetten […]

PPTS Course 2023

Hotel Jakarta Javakade 766,, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The course will provide the ultimate guide to public transport planning, operations and policy. The objective of the course is to combine traditional operations and new approaches to service planning and finding solutions to difficult and persistent public transport problems. This course is provided in association with the Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University, the Transportation Research Centre at the University of Auckland and the Delft University of Technology.


CiTG Stevinweg 1, Delft, Netherlands

On behalf of the European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD), it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2023, in Delft. This conference follows earlier successful conferences held in Bochum (1990), Trondheim (1993), Florence (1996), Prague (1999), Munich (2002), Paris (2005), Southampton (2008), Leuven (2011), Porto (2014), Rome (2017) and Athens (2020) and EURODYN2023 will take place from 2 to 5 July 2023. The EURODYN Conference has developed into one of the key conferences in Structural Dynamics. EURODYN 2023 is devoted […]

IEEE World Haptics 2023

Aula Conference Centre Mekelweg 5, Delft, Netherlands

It is our pleasure to invite you to the IEEE World Haptics 2023 conference. The conference will take place in Delft, in the Netherlands on the 10th to 13th of July 2023. IEEE World Haptics Conference 2023 is the 10th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and the IEEE Haptics Symposium. The IEEE World Haptics Conference is the premier international conference covering all aspects of haptics, covering the fundamental scientific findings, technological developments, algorithms and applications. It is a central venue for reporting research results and demonstrating novel capabilities in the field of haptics. The […]


AMS Institute Gebouw 027W, Kattenburgerstraat 5, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee (ACP50) The summer meeting of the Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Committee of the Transportation Research Board will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from July 26th-28th. The summer meeting will be organized by the Delft University of Technology in cooperation with AMS, the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.  The summer meeting will be organized right after the TRAIL summer course “AI and Traffic Flow Theory” (24-26th July 2023), a course with tutorials and hackathons aimed at PhDs with a basic background in traffic flow theory. The main theme of the summer meeting will be urban traffic operations for resilient cities. With urbanization and the densification […]


Lijm en Cultuur Rotterdamseweg 272, Delft, Netherlands

The upcoming edition of the symposium series on Energy Geotechnics, SEG23, held under the auspices of the ISSMGE Technical Committee 308 on Energy Geotechnics, will be held on 3-5 October 2023 in Delft. Keynote lectures from prominent researchers and practitioners in the field of energy geotechnics, state-of-the-art lectures and technical sessions focusing on the task forces of TC-308 will be a part of SEG23. We warmly welcome you to contribute and attend and look forward to an exciting scientific exchange. Contributions on various topics related to the energy geotechnics field, […]


Woudschoten Woudenbergseweg 54, Zeist, Netherlands

ABOUT EUROCONF23 After 20 years the 15th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics (EUROCONF23) will be held in the Netherlands again! Following the tradition from many previous, highly successful, Euroconferences we found a somewhat secluded location in a nice natural setting, to allow for maximum interaction and mingling between participants.  For this edition, we would like to take you to Woudschoten, a beautiful location in the woods in the centre of the Netherlands. We hope to see you in the flatlands from Monday 23 October to Thursday 26 October.


TU Delft, Aerospace Engineering Kluyverweg 1, Delft, Netherlands

4th ECATS International Conference on "Making aviation environmentally sustainable This event will give the opportunity to scientists and researchers worldwide to present state-of-the-art research, review recent achievements, and at the same time will provide a strategic perspective on future directions in environmentally sustainable aviation. The conference program covers seven key areas of multi-disciplinary expertise related to sustainable aviation topics. The conference will include keynote talks by distinguished personalities from academia, industry, the research community, and policymakers. Furthermore, a series of thematic sessions will be organized allowing in-depth discussions.


Lijm en Cultuur Rotterdamseweg 272, Delft, Netherlands

Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering and Science


Aula Conference Centre Mekelweg 5, Delft, Netherlands

European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference